Original Art

by Kurt Max Musician Artist

All these original art pieces pieces are handmade from charcoal, watercolour, pen and ink & digital editing

Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones are just a few of the performers depicted in these Rock Star original art pieces.  They are world famous household names.  However, I enjoy creating art of slightly less known names such as Glen Hughes, Rob Halford and Steve Winwood as well.

These pieces of original art span across 5 decades.  Some Rock Star Portraits are available to buy while others are sold into private collections. Many of these pieces have hung on display in various public viewing areas.

Being a rock music fan inspired me to create these pieces as a way for me to feel more personally and directly connected to the excitement, joy and love of the performers.  It worked.  Creating these pieces fill me with rock and roll inspiration and happiness. So I kept making more Rock Star Portraits.  I continue to create new original art pieces to this day as my love of rock music and these performers has only grown over time. I continue to be inspired and still create my own ROCK MUSIC as well.


Often, I have taken requests and happily created Rock Star Portraits using suggestions.  I am always open to ideas and doing commission work.

Please contact me if you wish to purchase Rock Star Portraits. Shipping costs vary and I want to ensure the most appropriate and cost effect means for your needs.

original art

Original Art (drawings and watercolours) Rock Star Portraits

Showing 25–27 of 27 results


Artist & Musician • Northumberland • United Kingdom

Kurt Max Artist and Musician
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